Monday 13 September 2010

enermy of the state evaluation

1. What is the point of this sequence? Describe briefly how tension is created through the editing.

the sequence shows a collection of clips to show action and create a mood of tension   through the medium of picture and dialogue. the music is played in the background to enhance the effect and help the viewer feel the tension.
2. Look at the use of CU or Medium CU. Why are they primarily used here? Refer to specific shots (screengrab them if you can [with Fn Print Screen then Control - V on a PC] and embed them within your post).
 the shot of will smith and the other actor talking on the rooftop is used to portray the anger or annoyance that will smith is feeling this used so that the director can to put the emotion unto the veiwer

3. Choose 15-20 seconds from anywhere in the sequence and describe each shot in detail, explaining its effect / function for the audience, as well as commenting on how the cuts (the editing) adds to the meaning.
2:09-2:24 shows a quickfire round of many images including many of including bold print with captions such as "eyes only"  and shot of a man breaking a lock which shows there is some sort of secret and engrosses the viewer into watching
4. How far does the editing of this sequence fit in with the genre of the thriller? Justify your opinion.
i think that if fits in because the editing shows all the different ingredients that a thriller requires including flash BOlD type and scenes with a lot of tension including the break in which is very satifatory in my opinion

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